Thursday, April 30, 2015

Frozen Vanilla Berry Bark

Frozen Vanilla Berry Bark

Frozen Vanilla Berry Bark

I’m feeling summer!!  Yes it might be the last day of April but I’m ready for cookouts and summer!  Living in PA this past winter felt like it took forever I’m not sure if it was the mix of being pregnant and super bad weather but I’m ready for May and summer gatherings.  If your looking for a fun after school snack this coming May or a fun snack to have on hand after doing yard work this will be very helpful.  I'm currently in month two of Insanity Max 30 and this snack will fall right in place with clean eating and Maxing out results.  Here is how far I came Click Here.
- 32 oz vanilla Greek yogurt
- strawberries
- raspberries
- blackberries or blueberries
- 2-3 tablespoons honey
- 1 tablespoon vanilla bean puree

1. Mix the honey and vanilla into the yogurt in a large bowl.
2. Spread the yogurt out onto a baking sheet using a rubber spatula.
3. Place berries on top.
4. Freeze (at least 1-2 hours).
5. Use a knife to break into pieces.
6. Enjoy right away while it's COLD!
Have a great day

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Transformation

Insanity Max 30 Transformation

Where did the last 30 days go!! I can’t believe yesterday I started month two of Max 30.  This program is 60 days long and broke down into two months.  Let’s just say the last 30 days of life have been a whirl win I tend to live with blinders on and stay very focused on goals in life.  The last 30 days my focus has been on a push goal that Steve and I have had for a very long time.  With that being said in the last 30 days we hit Easter and yes I’m a health coach and yes I help others however the struggle is real do I eat the chocolate covered bunny or pass?  Well a few bunnies might of won.  In the last 30 days I was not only getting back in a routine but doing so as a mom of three with a nursing baby those 5:00am workouts where not easy.  You know when your losing weight and getting in shape there comes that point to press on or stop well I felt that moment last week as well I kind of felt like I needed to be seeing faster results what worked in the past might just not work this time.  This sense of doubt started to creep in…..I made a choice to stop that craziness right then and there.  I jumped on the computer and checked out my transformation from when I had Josie and looked at my progress 30 days in and in that moment decided to be in it for the long haul. 

Insanity Max 30 Transformation

There will be people that tell you there is a quicker way a way to lose weight and inches that doesn’t include exercising and eating healthy and I call crap.  Come on now folks if that was the case we wouldn’t be a country in need of better health. 


Last week I even pulled the “I’m too busy” card to my husband!!  When I had Josie I wasn’t working outside of the home 4 days a week for our traditional business, two kids vs three, the list goes on.  Yet again I decided to not give up we are all given the same 24 hours in a day and it’s a choice every day on how we spend those minutes.  I decided to stop giving excuses and to push on I CAN find 30 minutes a day to prep healthy foods for the entire family I CAN workout and shut my brain off from the noise of life and FOCUS on working out for 30 minutes.  You see the shift in thinking?  I truly believe weight loss starts with the mind.  The mind is powerful and it’s either working for you or against you.  I choose today to say I CAN!!  And you CAN TOO!!
So when I snapped my 30 day photos only seeing the scale go down a few lbs. I was so thankful for taking before pictures!!  The pictures tell the entire story it says JOB WELL DONE!!  Here is where I started  the mural of the story is throw the scale out the window take before pictures and measurements. 
Insanity Max 30 Transformation
So what now?  Well it's called a journey for a reason I keep going!!  Beyond what the pictures tell I've been sleeping better at night,  I have more energy, my skin looks great, green beans and almonds are my go to snack while being a busy mom.  I fuel up every morning with shakeology to keep my nutrition on point one meal a day I don't have to think about.  I feel soooo much stronger then I did on day one.  I want you to feel the same way, I'm not inviting you to a quick fix more then likely you have tried every gimmick on the market.  I'm just like you a mom that wants to look good and feel confident in my own skin.  Let's chat Insanity Max 30 might not be the right fit for you starting out I want to find a program your excited about starting, I want to get you started in your own routine,  cooking meals the entire family will eat and enjoy.  Let's make 2015 the year you invest in your health in a healthy way.  Apply to learn more.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Reese Cup Shakeology

Reese Cup Shakeology

I get asked this all the time isn’t shakeology just a protein shake? No not at all most of us are not protein deficient however most are lacking nutrition I can eat healthy all day long and still not receive the nutrition needed. Its whole foods broke down and by that I mean YES you do pay for what you get You can hit up the local GNC for a “shake meal replacement” However always check out the ingredients Things to look for:
Artificial flavoring
Artificial Sweeteners

 What does shakeology taste like? Well since it is all natural and sweeten by a plant for most the first week it taste kind of different because our taste buds have been use to consuming something that has been altered in the flavoring department. Is shakeology really worth the 3 buck and some change I pay every day? Well it depends I personally like to be proactive vs reactive Yes at age 30 my health can kind of float by however just like anything it catches up We all invest money in different items every day in life For me I would rather hold off on buying a cup of coffee each day or that cute new toy for the kids that will be destroyed a few months from now. I never miss a day 2 years later most days it's my meal right after working out I look at drinking it everyday as my treat for sweating!! 

Do I drink Reese Cup Cheesecake everyday like this recipe?  No however on a Sunday night when everyone else in the house is eating DQ I get a little crazy by adding a Reese Cup to my shakeology.

Reese Cup Cheesecake
1 tbsp. all natural peanut butter or almond butter

1 scoop chocolate shakeology

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice)

Ice  and blend for 45 to 50 seconds

Next drizzle chocolate syrup around the inside rim of your glass, fill glass with blended shakeology, top with whip cream if you desire, and sprinkle one chopped up Reese cup on top.

Reese cup shakeology



My wonderful sister Jeanette and amazing coach wrote a great blog post on Breaking the Diet cycle it goes into great detail the value of drinking shakeology daily.

If you would like a sample of shakeology send a friend request to- 

Talk with you soon,


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Chicken Fajitas

21 Day Fix Extreme Chicken Fajitas

21 Day Fix Extreme Chicken Fajitas
Yes I know I’m in the middle of doing Insanity Max 30 however I came across this 21 day fix extreme recipe and had to try and of course share!!  We are in the middle of some home projects as well this week so life has seemed busy however finding the time to eat healthy is still very important to me if I eat crap I feel like crap.  This recipe took like 10 minutes (including prepping to cook) it’s simple and kid friendly.  Our kids did not eat the lettuce and just had the filling and added cheese to theirs.  My husband eats most of my clean eating meals for example this recipe he grabbed regular taco shells. Which works for me I’m still making one meal for the entire family just a few modifications.  Also this would be easy to make into steak or shrimp as well.  The leftover I just made a salad for lunch tomorrow and topped it off with the chicken filling.
Ingredients: (makes 4 servings)
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt (or regular sea salt)
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp olive oil, divided
  • 4 (5- to 6-oz) raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless, cut into 1/2-inch strips
  • 1 red (or green) bell pepper, cut into thin strips
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 8 large romaine (or butter) lettuce leaves
  • 1/2 medium avocado, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup fresh salsa
  1. Combine chili powder, salt, cumin, garlic powder, and 1 tsp oil in a large resealable plastic bag.
  2. Add chicken, bell pepper, and onion; mix gently to coat. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.
  3. Heat remaining oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
  4. Empty contents of bag into skillet; cook stirring frequently, for 5-6 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Remove from heat and add lime juice.
  5. Evenly top lettuce leaves with chicken mixture, avocado, and salsa.
***21 Day Fix containers (per serving): 2 green 1 red 1/2 purple 1/2 blue

Beachbody Performance Supplement

What is Beachbody Performance Supplement?

The news broke last week that this summer not only will Shawn T be releasing a new workout but also beachbody will have a new line of nutrition performance supplements.  YES!!  It’s going to be like a one stop shop like GNC however with SUPERIOR QUALITY and clean ingredients.  I love coaching and offering what beachbody has to others and bettering others’ lives.  This is designed for those of you that are intense on your workouts runners, those that use crossfit, and of course folks just like myself that enjoy working out from home but making it intense and count while the kids sleep early in the morning. 

Beachbody Performance Supplement

  • An easy-to-use, complete supplement system that's guaranteed to boost your workout performance and help accelerate the results from any fitness program.

  • It's designed by Harvard-trained scientists and combines the latest cutting-edge science with the most effective performance-boosting ingredients from nature.

  • Every ingredient is thoroughly tested and scientifically shown to enhance performance and recovery.

  • There are 5 unique formula Energize, Hydrate, Recover, Recharge, and Creatine that can be used alone or easily customized depending on your fitness goals or needs.

  • It will help you overcome any obstacle—from low energy to muscle soreness—so you can push yourself harder in every workout.

What's included in the Beachbody Performance line?
The system has four powder drinks formulated with key ingredients scientifically shown to be effective.

BEACHBODY PERFORMANCE ENERGIZE PRE-WORKOUT (Lemon Spark Flavor) - Improves intense exercise performance, increases energy and endurance, and sharpens focus, and reaction time.

BEACHBODY PERFORMANCE HYDRATE DURING-WORKOUT (Citrus Cooler Flavor) - Supports hydration during exercise, replaces electrolytes lost during exercise, fuels working muscles, and improves endurance.

BEACHBODY PERFORMANCE RECOVER POST-WORKOUT (Chocolate Chill Flavor) - Speeds muscle recovery, promotes lean muscle synthesis, combats exercise-induced muscle soreness, and improves muscle strength recovery.

BEACHBODY PERFORMANCE RECHARGE NIGHTTIME (Vanilla Dream Flavor) - Supports overnight muscle recovery, improves overnight adaptation to exercise, promotes lean muscle synthesis, and reduces muscle breakdown.

PLUS: BEACHBODY PERFORMANCE CREATINE - This add-on has no flavor and mixes well with the Post-Workout formula to improve high intensity exercise performance, increase muscle strength and power, and enhance the effects of resistance training.
Beachbody Performance Supplement
It's time to get together your cute workout gear and add in your performance supplements.  If your ready to take the challenge.  If your wanting to up your performance and be held accountable apply here-
Fill out my online form.
The easy to use Wufoo form builder helps you make forms easy, fast, and fun.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beachbody's Newest Program- Cize

Beachbody's Newest Program- Cize

Well the news was released today!! Shawn T has blessed us with so many amazing programs in the past such as T25, Insanity, Insanity Max 30, Hip Hop Abs and the list goes on.  Well it's time to turn up the DANCE music a bit of a different approach from Max 30 or Insanity It's fun and upbeat.  This program will be designed for everyone that has a hard time staying focused while working out, enjoys programs like Zumba, has been doing the same workout for some time and needs a change, and those short on time.

Beachbody's Newest Program- Cize

I personally enjoy and have seen some of the most amazing transformations from challengers doing his programs.  My job as a coach is to help others that purchase programs like this one and help them to stay motivated from start to finish.  I had the most amazing results from doing Insanity the fall of 2013 since than we had our 3rd child and currently just getting back into a routine and my second transformation using Insanity Mas 30 (the workouts are 30 minutes long) and loving it!!
SShawn T Cize

What is Cize?

I’m glad you asked! It is a 4 week program that gives you a great cardio workout without feeling like you’re working out! During this time frame, Shaun T will give you step-by-step choreography in a fun, easy to follow dance program from your living room.  In each routine, Shaun breaks down challenging moves step-by-step, and builds them into a full dance sequence in just 35-40 minutes. So, while you are mastering the dance moves, you'll also be burning fat and calories.

When is it released?  Well I have news for you, your going to be able to sample a workout by a NEW feature Beachbody has to offer- Beachbody on Demand I want you to be the first to sample this with me in June.  To learn more details as the come available fill this form out- Talk to you soon
The easy to use Wufoo form builder helps you make forms easy, fast, and fun.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Insanity Max 30 meal plan

Insanity Max 30 meal plan

Well hello Tuesday already!!  I might be a day late for planning out the week however one day late is better than not planning out the week at all.  I find working out alone is not enough with nutrition being 80% of weight loss having a plan is something I found to be a big part of staying on track.  After giving birth to our third child 2 months ago I’m in the middle of losing the baby weight while breastfeeding.  So yes this is my meal plan and having the evening snack is a must to insure that I’m getting enough calories and nutrition.  For me personally especially while doing Max 30 I find I need a carb in the morning.  I love having a routine so each morning I start by working out at 5:00am no matter what the night was like.  I find by carving out this “me time” I’m a better wife and mother.  From that I make my shakeology for breakfast, get my husband out the door for work, shower, and work my beachbody business checking with challenge groups and coaches, just in time before the kids wake up.  From that I have what I call my morning snack and get the kids their breakfast.  It's official I'm hocked on the Cobb Salad

Insanity Max 30 meal plan

I have a few secret weapons with making it up at 5:00am every morning one is accountability, a strong why, and a hidden gem called E&E it maximize muscle performance to build muscle.
    Insanity Max 30 meal plan

    This is week 3 in Insanity Max 30 and I’m starting to feel muscles coming back around!  Gosh I love being a mom however getting back into my pre-pregnancy body is important.  I feel more confident, more energy, and more efficient when I invest in a program like Max 30, the 30 minute workouts are SUPER helpful and on the cardio days it’s crazy how many calories I continue to burn after the fact.  The type of training used in this program is designed to do just that no need to spend hours at the gym to see results.  Getting fit at home is so possible and I enjoy helping others do the same.  To learn more about the online accountability groups I run fill out this form.

    The easy to use Wufoo form builder helps you make forms easy, fast, and fun.

    Sunday, April 12, 2015

    Dust off your workout DVD's

    Dust off your workout DVD's

    Wow it’s hard to believe it’s been 21 days since wanting to start a routine of waking up at 5:00 am to workout.  It was not easy the first week at all between having a new baby, breastfeeding, our son having growing pains a few nights, it was something I’m thankful to have made happen however accountability was super helpful.  I wanted to offer a FREE 7 day accountability group to others wanting to create a new habit.  Maybe you see my morning post and would love to create a routine again but getting start is another story.  Perhaps you invest in work outs in the past but never really got started because you lacked accountability this FREE 7 day group is for you.


    Each morning there will be a morning post within the online close Facebook group I’ve created with tips on getting started, motivation, going into a little but about clean eating, sharing recipes, tips on finding the best time of the day to work out for you it might be at 5:00am like it is for me.  Motivation from other woman wanting to create a habit as well.  The cool thing is, it’s taking a resource you already have in your home and making use out of it.  With summer right around the corner it’s time to jump start getting the booty back into shape. 

    Questions you might have

    Does it have to be a beachbody DVD?  No not at all it can be any type of workout program
    What if I just want to start walking and need motivation can I join? Yes

    I want to start training for a 5k can I join?  Yes

    What are the requirements?  *The only requirement is that you have a free team beachbody account created
    Once I see you created a free account I will add you to the group!!  We start April 20th CREATE FREE ACCOUNT
     **IF you currently work with a beachbody coach please contact them
    **  Also send a Facebook friend request to-
    Looking forward to jump starting a new habit together!!

    Thursday, April 9, 2015

    Insanity Max 30 dinner recipe

    Insanity Max 30 dinner recipe

    Poached Basil and Garlic Salmon

    Insanity Max 30 dinner recipe

    8 cups of water
    4 (7 oz.) raw salmon fillets
    1/2 cup of fresh basil (or 2 tsp. of died basil) divided
    2 cloves of chopped garlic
    Fresh lemon juice

    1. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat. 
    2. Sprinkle salmon with 1/4 cup of basil: place in boiling water.  Cover immediately and remove from heat.  Poach salmon in hot water for 5 to 7 minutes or until salmon flakes easily when tested with a fork.
    3. Sprinkle salmon with remaining basil and drizzle with lemon juice

    Roasted Cauliflower Mash

    4 cups of cauliflower florets, washed, patted dry
    4 tsp. olive oil
    1 tsp. of sea salt
    1/4 tsp. of granulated garlic (optional)
    2 tbsp. low-sodium organic veggie broth

    1. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees
    2. Place cauliflower on large baking pan.
    3. Drizzle with oil, toss gently t coat, season with salt and garlic (if desired)
    4. Bake, stirring halfway through, for 40 to 45 minutes or until tender
    5. Place in food processor, add veggie broth, pulse until smooth

    Enjoy this meal is wonderful if you have little ones that are not big on eating their veggies.  These homemade cauliflower mash potatoes will help in that area. 

    Thursday, April 2, 2015

    Review on Insanity Max 30

    Review on Insanity Max 30

    This is my REAL first week back to working out after having our third child by C-section a little over 6 weeks ago.  I did use the program the 21 day fix until about 36 weeks pregnant however I feel a lot of work still needs done.  I picked Insanity Max 30 jump into for a few reasons.  I truly enjoyed and loved the original Insanity however the 60 minute workouts would not be doable even as a health and fitness coach finding the time to commit would be a stretch.  Max 30 is different than any other Shawn T program he released in the past. Yes he is in your face and pushing you however the entire concept was to create a workout that no matter your fitness level is it would be impossible to not Max out.  WAIT!!  Before I scare you yes it’s a challenge 4 workouts into the program however there is a modifier for the entire program and that is who I’m following for week one and will adjust as my endurance increases. 
    Review on Insanity Max 30


    Day 1!!  I wanted to also get back in the habit of 5:00am workouts so here I am making it happen.  There is no equipment needed for this program it's using your own body for resistance.  Each workout is 30 minutes long with a two minute additional cool down time after the workout.  The program is 8 weeks long with the concept of working out 6 days a week and the 7th day is a rest day.  Here is what the first week of workouts are.  Hands down Tabata power is the most challenging workout it's the gift that keeps on giving.  Yes 30 minute workouts from home can leave you thinking of it hours later when you reach for something above your head.


    Review on Insanity Max 30

    The time of the workouts goes by very quickly and yes in the program there are water breaks!!  My average time for maxing out week one has been between 6 and 7 minutes.  So what does it mean to Max out?  It simply means you start the workout and each move is either a 30 or 45 second time frame and you move onto the next move.  You go until your body is ready to give up and you give it one more push of 10 more seconds.  Water breaks are around the 10 minute mark but each workout that changes.

    Review on Insanity Max 30

     With starting a new program it's always great to measure progress by more then just a number on the scale your goal might not be to lose weight it simply might be to just tone up and exercise.  Here are my BEFORE PICTURES. 

    So beyond waking up early in the morning working out what does this program have to offer for nutrition?  Well it comes with an awesome guide on what foods to be eating to fuel your body as well as some awesome recipes.  Our family has already taking the Cobb salad and made it a regular must have RECIPE.  
    Review on Insanity Max 30

    I can't wait to share what the next few weeks brings!!  And the transformation as it unfolds, I would love to help hold you accountable to your fitness goals and pair you up with a program that is right for you.  Let's talk about what your fitness goals are and if an online accountability group would be a great fit for you.


    Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.