Sunday, July 13, 2014

Live Life by Design

Live Life by Design

Have you ever sat back and looked at your life and wonder what is missing?  Why do some people just love life while others just go day in and day out?  I truly believe the difference is between someone living out their purpose in life or just “getting by”.

Live Life by Design

I was that person last summer just “getting by” as a stay at home mom also doing the book work for my husband’s excavation something was missing.  I always had this idea as a “stay at home mom” that life had to be put on hold until the kids went to school.  My drive was missing I loved working before being home with the kids as a waitress and the idea of going back and not having flexibility with my time was out of the question I still wanted to be present in the kids life and never miss anything.  I had no idea if coaching would be for me BUT I had this feeling in my gut that I needed to try this.  I remember talking to my coach the first time on the phone I was scared to death of failing.  Come to find out everything was handed to me in order to have success.  Truth be told it was still a choice whether or not to use the tools of course I went in with both feet. 

Live Life by Design

There is not a morning that I don’t jump out of bed with my mind on how I can be better as a leader, how to make challenge groups more affective, how to attached the right people on to my team, how to be the best version I can be, and also to constantly be sharing my story. 

I’ve heard so many fears and most of them I had in the
beginning as well-

•What if I fail?

•What if no one wants to join my group?

•What if I annoy my friends?

•I don't want to sell people stuff.

•I am afraid of what others will think of me?

•I am not at my goal weight.

•I don't have a lot of friends on Facebook.

•I am shy.

•I don't know anything about social media.

•I am not fitness professional or expert in nutrition.

•I don't have enough time.

Here is the cool thing it never hurts in life to try something out over the past few months on the number one team in beach body we have been doing a sneak peek into what coaching is and I would love to answer all your questions within this closed Facebook group.

My entire life I always set a high standard for myself and never felt good enough, I never felt worthy of a lot of things and always felt I had to work twice as hard to prove myself.  Over the past year I jumped right into personal development and can truly say it has impacted my life for the better and those around me.
Live Life by Design
The crazy thing about finding your passion in life you truly feel like your right where you are so post to be and that is the best feeling ever and I want others to feel the same way.
What do I have to offer new coaches?
-1:1 mentoring calls weekly with a small group of other new coaches
-goal setting
-getting in the best shape of your life
-access to all my training guides that are easy to duplicate
-someone willing to meet your speed you want to walk with this we will maybe you want to quiet your job we will run together.
In life you can truly spend your entire life sitting on the side line watching others reach dream after dream or you can be willing to jump in.  Trust me when I started out people told me I was nuts "it's one of those things only people at the top make money" or "you live in a small town"  or beachbody is a fad and will pass" or "you have to be good at selling"
Blalalala is what I have to say to all that in 11 months out of 200,000 coaches I'm in the top 2%, you don't need to look far to help someone with either an income or getting healthy, beachbody just keeps knocking it out of the park with amazing new items (21 day fix has gone out of stock 3x), heck I hate being sold on anything and just share what I'm doing and others naturally ask me for more details.
Over the next week I will be going over applications for my training that starts August 4th and would like the chance to see if this would be a good fit for you.

I am committed to growing a business that is successful based on your own goals and personal commitment.
-Driven to be successful & are willing to take a risk.
-Dedicated to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals.
-Are looking to earn extra income for themselves and family.
-Are truly looking for that passion in life that makes you excited to wake up each day and go to your job!
-Are motivated, driven, caring and committed to putting some skin in the game!

Live Life by Design
If you want to be a successful coach, if you want to help inspire others to make a change for the better, you want more freedom, you want to take the work load off of your spouse, by filling out this application and hitting summit I will look forward to seeing if this might truly be a good fit for your life.

Fill out my online form.
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