Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to share not sell

How to share not sell

I’m so excited to talk to you about this subject why?  Because when I signed up as a coach the last thing I wanted to do was sell anything and be that crazy lady that others ran from in the store rather I just wanted to share my store and inspire others, spark that fire to make a change, live a healthier life, and be an example to others around them.  So first off let’s start with how to share on social media and what draws others in.  YOU!!!  They want you they will buy from you because they connect with you so for me I talk a lot about being an example to my kids why because I’m a mom and I want to attract others just like me because I will understand their store and know where they are at.  Beach body spends millions every year if someone wanted to be inspired to buy T25 and your post looks like the one on the left they will not feel connected with you and would probably just purchase it from the TV at 3:00 am or use a friends copy.  Never use the special of the month and say hey look for 10.00 more you receive a workout its just not appealing. 

How to share not sell

Add humor if that is in your charter and share funny picture you find online.
How to share not sell

How can people relate to you?  When I'm posting I'm talking to moms with that being said what woman has not wished that, that late night cake went to her boobs rather it went to her stomach.  This post had a lot of share (shares gain followers) you want to always be adding to your contract list.

How to share not sell

Next up now everyone knows you’re a coach and you want to help them what else do you have to offer?  LOTS!!  Start to think about what others struggle with and share how you’re over coming it.  Is the break room at lunch always filled with tempting foods but you had your shakeology and because of it able to pass.  Are you someone that travels for work how do you stay on track while on the road?  Are you a stay at home mom that would rather grab the ice cream and run to the bathroom and lock the door for 5 minutes of peace?  Weekends NOBODY works out best time to snap a picture you being consistent and the extra support from your challenge groups keeps you accountable. 
How to share not sell
Next up when posting about an upcoming challenge group people work off of feelings, make it heart felt how did you feel before joining beachbody?  What is your story?  Share how you felt then compared to now.  It’s totally ok to only be 30 days into coaching and to start thinking how you felt when you decided to join a challenge group?  Where you afraid of failing?  Was cost a concern and caused the family budget to be tight due to your decision?  Were you afraid of not having enough time to commit to sticking to the program?  Work from the FEEL, FELT, FOUND when you’re talking about your upcoming challenge group. And your post with the solution and always pair it with a great picture people are visual and your goal is to cause them to stop scrolling in their news feed to read more about what you have to offer.  Keep the picture simple too much going on and you will loss people (I made this mistake as a new coach).
Here is a resent post I did-
Most know the feeling of standing in front of the mirror not liking what you see. The thought of going another day of being in your own skin and not having confidence to be truly who we were meant to be is hard to think about. Maybe you have a wedding at the end of summer or maybe you would like to get pregnant soon but would like to get your weight under control and feel in control. The thought o...f starting on Monday always seems like a good idea but what happens when your steam runs out on Wednesday when the kids are hanging from the curtains and your husband is late getting home. The first thought to your mind is going in search of that candy bar and shutting the bathroom door in peace.
What if you had the support to get past those times in the day, the motivation from others not to fail, help with setting up a realistic meal plans, tips for traveling, recipes, fitness tips and a place to check in from anywhere?
I truly believe challenge groups make the world of difference I’m proof that they work if you’re willing to come with a strong why and wanting to change.
What if a habit could be formed in 21 days and you could be on a path to a healthier you? Would you skip dinner out one night a week for the next three weeks to offset the cost of investing into a healthier you? What if you could replace that dinner out with time home as a family cooking a healthy dinner together and teaching your kids that you care enough to invest in your health so you can be the best mom, would you give it a try?
How do you want to feel four Mondays from now?
Or results?
July 28th is go day and truly I’m saving these last 2 spots for those two people that are willing to change for the better. Fill out this application to reserve your spot-
How to share not sell

End it with an a call to action giving them the sense of now is the time!!  If you don't have a before and after yet that is great also talk about them following your journey, share other transformations pictures.  Not this (yes this is a post I did as a new coach).  NEVER PUT YOUR LINK TO YOUR ACCOUNT WITH A POST ABOUT A CHALLENGE GROUP!!  Get to know their why and their goals and find the right program for them.  This picture makes my head hurt just looking at it.  Keep it simple and draw others into what you have to  offer, even as a new coach people will find they have the same struggle you have if your sharing not selling.

How to share not sell

Lastly have fun with this whether you want to quit your full time job, just have a little extra spending money, want to pay for your shakeology, care for the other person and invest in them and not view it as a sale today but see if you have something that could better their life.  People want to know you’re the real deal BE CONSITENT with posting 3 to 5 times a day share other things in your life other than health and fitness.  Find 5 topics and rotate that within your post.  Ask for advice on social media others love to give their option and advice so ask for it.  Keep it real and stay true to who you are and you will naturally draw others in that have things in common.
How to share not sell
Lastly remember it takes awhile to build trust and others are not going to jump right on the first ship that comes by BUT when they are ready you want to be the person they come to.  As a coach you have the ability to change someone else's life for the better never underestimate your story, putting yourself out there can be the hardest thing to do BUT the rewards way out weigh being a little uncomfortable in the beginning.  Your mind will tell you, you can't do this but follow your heart and go with it.  At the end of the day I would ask myself as a new coach did I worry about things that a top coach would of worried about today? 


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