Sunday, May 11, 2014

Less Mills pump update

Less Mills pump update

Wow its Sunday again!!  The weeks go by so fast and I try to remember to stop and just take the day in so this morning as it's Mother’s Day I'm taking a moment to take the past week in and evaluate I think so many times we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life we forget to stop and see if we are still headed in the direction we want to be going base on priorities.  I posted this on my Facebook wall this week and truly this is how I view each day

This is so true without writing down something you want to achieve it’s just a dream.

Next I look at my priorities and schedule in time to make it happen.

That means saying no to things in life why because you have a goal.

Make it public

Put a date on when you will achieve that goal

Starting reprogramming the way you think instead of “I might” or “maybe” put in place “I will”

Have a strong why because if not the first bump in the road will throw you down and you won’t want to get back up and do it again.

Have a plan that starts with smaller goals in between

Smile enjoys the journey if it was easy everyone would reach their dreams. It won’t happen overnight. Success is not an event it’s a lifestyle.

Choose to surround yourself with those that support you rather then bring you down.

It’s far better to try & fail than fail to try.

The workout I'm doing right now is a hybrid of less mills pump and turbo fire.  I'm having fun with both programs and love how strong my upper body is getting from the weight training in Less Mills pump.  Turbo Fire is a great program with high intensity HIIT workouts that leaves you burning a boat load of calories in a short amount of time. PERFECT!!  Because  it's been getting lighter out earlier in the mornings our kids are waking up at 5am instead of 6:30am.  This is "ME" time but I'm learning to enjoy whatever happens and am thankful for these love bugs. 

When you feel like giving up remember why you started

Plus I was about to find these tasty little treats at the grocery store in the freezer section.  How many times do you just need that chocolate fix?  I know within the online challenge groups I run, I always get asked the question of what to eat (certain times of the month) to take care of the want for chocolate.

So as another week comes to an end and I start to meal plan for the next upcoming 7 days this is what I came up with.  Few things I've learned now that the nicer weather is here, 1. I don't want to come in and eat dinner till 8pm so this week I plan on doing more grilling so there is no need of coming inside.  2. I need a lunch on the go because if not I would either skip or grab garbage so another week of baking of BBQ boneless chicken and making my warps a head of time.

Oh and on a final note that dang ice-cream got me twice this week!! Birthday calibration and hubby brought some home Friday night!!  So what to do....beat myself up or brush it off and keep moving forward.  You will never be perfect but rather try to be a better person then the day before and remember if it was easy everyone would be fit and trip!!  You got this and here is to another great week.  Each day is a blessing and never forget to stop and enjoy the small things in life.  Happy Mother's Day!!
Follow me on Facebook as I'm always finding new things to help everyday problems.


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