Lessons learned in life
Wow this past month has been a trial in life why because life does not always go as planned things that I thought were lined up changed due to circumstances out of my control. In case you don't know this about me I'm a planner, I plan my months, weeks, and days, always looking ahead and trying to see what bend is up ahead and plan ahead. I would say its strength as much as I enjoy going with the flow I always has this mental plan in the back of my mind.
Wow this past month has been a trial in life why because life does not always go as planned things that I thought were lined up changed due to circumstances out of my control. In case you don't know this about me I'm a planner, I plan my months, weeks, and days, always looking ahead and trying to see what bend is up ahead and plan ahead. I would say its strength as much as I enjoy going with the flow I always has this mental plan in the back of my mind.

Well like I said things in life don't always go as planned
and left me wondering why now? Without getting into detail it was a great wake
up call to realize if everything in life went according to "my plans"
there would not be much room left to rely on God. Lesson learned!! No matter
where you’re at in life what trial you have been handed there will always is a
lesson to learn.
If you’re in the middle of a life lesson or feel at the end
of your rope without options this recording could not have been better timing
in life I listened 3 times in the last week while working out-
Lessons learned in life
So moving forward how do you not only learn from a life
lesson but keep in check what you learned? Well for me I'm visual and on my
market board in the basement I created a rope and will look at it daily as a
reminder no matter at what point I'm at on the rope that day I still need God.
For sure listen to the above recording it will explain in great detail.
Always thankful at the end of the day I'm so thankful for:
*My parents and Steve
parents that live close to watch the kids on short notice.
*A great report at
the baby Dr. visit this week
*Always being
*Guidance from God
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