I really could not wait to sit down and explain more in detail on why I love coaching and if it would be a good fit for you and your family. First let me start off by saying I had zero experience in a MLM business before beachbody (I actually had a bad experience with a MLM business 10 years ago), I only ever used social media like most to stock others and see what they were up to, my network of friends last August on Facebook where less than 100 (I never had a blog or a like page) and I truly am down to earth introvert with big goals in life.

First off I loved the what beachbody stands for it's not a business of selling makeup or purses I totally respect those that enjoy that but for me I needed something more, You know when your birthday is around the corner and you stop and review your life? That is kind of what happened last August right before my 29th birthday. Most would say I had it made, I'm able to stay home with the kids, I have a wonderful husband that works hard for our traditional business, we live in a great town, drive nice cars, if we want to go out to eat we do, HOWEVER that wasn't enough was I truly making a difference in the world bettering others' lives? Using my God given talents? No not at all. I truly love running challenge groups and that is the base of this business is helping others to reach their own fitness goals and being that person along side their journey. I have an amazing team of over 60 coaches that truly have the same vision in life and I LOVE working with each of them and seeing their full potential. At the same time there is a flip a bonus.
*Work from home, part-time
*Work as much or as little as I wanted
*Work when I wanted & make my own schedule
*Be my own boss
*Earn a significant income
I love the fact that while putting others first there is a flip side and also creating an income at the same time that has exceeded my expectations. And the cool part is the more people I help the income does not stop.
Busy women tip #4 on how to grow a successful business from home....Have a strong WHY, IF not when the road gets bumpy, rocky or down right hard most give up. Ever start a race at the beginning and it's full of people smiling, stretching, preparing, and ready to rock? And as the race goes on those that finish become way less? It's not that I have any special hidden tricks that I won't share with you... however starting with a strong WHY is what will carry you through. I never want to look back on life and say sorry kids I held back but make sure you go out and give it your all and never give up!! Come one now we all know kids are watching and will duplicate how you approach life. If you want things in life it takes work, it takes showing up everyday, it takes doing what most say no thanks, it's taking a risk, it's being willing to fail, but the rewards for having a strong WHY and seeing it through are WORTH IT!!
Plus all the regular benefits:
*Motivate people to get healthy while getting and staying healthy yourself.
*Build your own personalized business
*Choose your own hours
*Learn skills to match clients up with their ideal exercise program & nutrition plan
*25% discount on all products including Shakeology
*25% commission on all sales
*Unlimited sick days and vacation
*Get paid weekly (every Thursday)
*Team bonuses and incentives
*Free annual Success Club trip for you and a guest!
*Work out with Beachbody's Celebrity Trainers
*Build lifelong relationships
*Learn health, fitness, leadership, business, and management skills
*Become a part of our amazing team!
*Learn about social media and how to share not sell
So WHY am I sharing this with you?
To show you what is POSSIBLE. Had I not seen what was possible, I may not have put all of my faith into this business and worked as hard as I did to achieve my goals. But it's a real opportunity, it's legit and you CAN make a significant income from HOME, part-time, doing something you LOVE. And as a bonus, get in the best shape and health of you life! If you desire to stay home with your kids and would love to find away to work both while creating that net to jump into and resign from your job this is possible. Also I just want to say you do not need to be in the best shape of your life. When I started out I was not at my goal weight and I was still not at my goal weight. No need to have a transformation you must be willing to live a healthier life and share it with others along the way.
*No need to be a personal trainer or have a degree in nutrition beachbody has you covered in that area.
I will be hosting a 21 day quick start program
*New coaches
*In that group we will cover the basics of getting started
*How to run affective challenge groups (I run the first one with you)
*Basic Training on Social Media
*Power hour, what steps to take daily in your power hour
*Setting goals
I just want to close with talking about FEAR
Here's a little secret; it's not the work that's the hard part of reaching your God given dreams the most difficult part is over coming FEAR. It growls at you in the dark and whispers to you in the daylight. It tries to tell us that this dream is too much or we're not enough.
FEAR is a BULLY everyone fights FEAR I know I was afraid to fail almost to the point of not starting. But like most bullies, fear doesn't stand its ground when you decide to turn and face it. And you can!! Let's talk one on one about it.
Fear camps out right next to whatever it is you're most called to do. That means the closer you get to your calling in life the louder fear sounds. I ask you to think of your WHY for most it's our kids would you let fear stand in the way of changing the out come for your kids?
Thought for the day-
Success is not always convenient but success is not above you
Apply below so we can talk one on one
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.
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