Sunday, June 7, 2015

On the move with nutrition

On the move with nutrition

Hey there!! Whether you’re in the middle of moving, thinking about moving, or remember a busy time in your life a lot of things will come to mind.  Right now we happen to be in the middle of a move!!  And you know the one thing that really makes a key in all of this?  Nutrition.  Whatever your summer months look like I think they will its safe to say you won’t be bored.  I talk to a lot of folks in a weeks’ time and most of them are trying to plan out how fitness and nutrition can work for them.  So I want to offer something I’ve never done before but truly feel it will be helpful for those wanting to gain more energy, start to see momentum with the scale, clearer skin, and a healthy glow without committing to working out.  I get it!!  Your workout will be running the kids to the pool, weekend bike rides, walking the baby with the stroller, hiking while on vacation, etc.  But one thing will stay the same as this summer moves into full swing.  Nutrition. 
 We will eat no matter what, we will spend money on food no matter what.  My goal as your coach is to help others shift in seeing great nutrition can happen on the go.  Within this 21 day accountability group starting June 15th I will share how I’m in the middle of moving and making the best of planning out the week.  Family friendly meals for the entire family that require less time in the kitchen.  We will tackle portion control and still be able to fit in those s’mores around the camp fire or a weekend glass of wine. 

If find from clients and myself the accountability is golden!!  We all wake up Monday morning and say this week things will be different but reality is life sets in and it goes beyond just wishing for change but rather having a plan in place and accountability to check in from any location from Facebook. 

What is required?  While for 21 days I want to get to know you and your goals, work with you on what will help with your life style in return I will ask you check in daily and be a part of the group.  I also require one meal a day to be shakeology this is a no brainer if your busy you understand the importance of keeping things simple.  My sister did an amazing job sharing how shakeology can  break the diet cycle .    


This was breakfast this morning and can I just say the key lime greenberry shakeology was amazing!!  Since last summer the entire pregnancy my taste buds changed and I could not drink anything but chocolate shakeology.  Stay tuned for the recipe it will be coming this week.

In order to get started and set you up with saving the most bang for your buck create a free account once I see that free account has been created I will email you with the email provided to learn more about your summer schedule and how this group will help in meeting your nutrition goals.


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