Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day after Christmas

The Day after Christmas

So can I just say the month of December went by sooo fast.  We were able to enjoy a few warmer days outside for this time of the year with the kids and also enjoy the snow falling for a white Christmas.  It  just does not feel like Christmas with out a little snow. So yes it's the day after Christmas how did everyone do? I know for me personally I enjoyed a piece of cheesecake, smoked cheese, cinnamon, extra bits of this and that over the past 3 days. And today I woke up and my body said time to get back on track. This is were working out alone is not enough eating clean is a must. So plan of action for today WATER!!! Workout!! Cleaned out the house of any foods that will be tempting, I will also be doing two shakeology drinks today just to get back on track. And the final and most important step is my mind set. The past 3 days was just that the past, I'm thinking about today and prepping my food before I head out the door.

The Day after Christmas

So now what?  Did you eat a little to much from Thanksgiving to Christmas? have the holidays left you feeling blaaa.  Trust me I know the feeling and if it would not of been for challenge groups this holiday season I for sure would of put all the weight back on that I worked so hard the past 8 months to take off.  But the good news is it's time to put yourself back on the table. The kids have a bunch of fun new toys to play with and now it's time to feel good in your own skin.  Trust me for most of us the idea of taking time each day to ourselves seems selfish.  But guess what by doing so you are setting yourself up to be a better mom and wife. 

The first of the year everyone and their brother will be going on a "diet" and starting a "new years resolution" can I just say I hate both of those words because in my mind it means something that never last people are always starting and stopping "diets".  In the challenge groups I run my big goal is to throw that idea out the window.  And when my challengers are able to do to it's a win win!! Sure they may stumble along the way or need to do a u-turn (just like myself) but that does not mean throw in the towel and give up.  So with a challenge group you are given that daily push to eat right and exercise, that way on the days you don't feel like doing it, you do it because everyone else in the group is working out and are going to see results.  I have a passion for helping others to create a lifestyle and I want to be able to share that with others that's why I run challenge groups.  This is not a buy it and leave you hanging kind of deal.   What I can say for sure you are active in the group daily by checking in (5 minutes), apply what I post, do your workouts, and drink shakeology daily you will see results I promise.  Also don't be sold on a "quick fix" if you want real lasting results than it takes time but for sure it can be done.  This is also not about taking 20 something pills everyday, it getting back to the basics eating right and exercise.

The Day after Christmas

So the challenge group is a 90 day group starting December 30th. It's all done through a closed online facebook support group. So only the members of the group can see what is being posted.
The Day after Christmas

What I do is help you customize your health and fitness goals to meet your needs. Then I help you choose the best Beachbody workout to get there based on your ability level. Then you replace 1 meal a day with shakeology for the next 60 days to give your body 1 meal that is supercharged with ingredients that will give you natural energy, cravings will be curbed, you will stay full for at least 3 hours and its equivalent to 6 salads in one meal. Then, I am going to teach you how to plan the other meals of the day. I will help you create a customized meal plan, give you recipes, snack ideas, tips, motivation and keep you accountable. Every day I post in the challenge group your daily mind set tip or post. You check in and rate your date and read what is posted. We all keep each other accountable!

The Day after Christmas

I am going to address the emotional eating, eating out at restaurants, going on vacation, temptations, cheat meals, body image and more!

This is what I joined last May and had such wonderful results I knew that being a coach was a must.  And as a coach I'm able to help others the same way I was helped. First I started with Chalean Extream, T25, Insanity, and now P90x3, no worries beachbody has just the right workout program for you.

Being a stay at home mom and working from home you can still get great results.  They do not happen over night and for sure eating healthy and exercise go hand in hand.  With nutrition being 70% of weight loss, it is key to have a plan and stick to it.  Any time I get a little of track it's because I did not stick with the basic's planning ahead.  So this New Years how are you going to get in the best shape of your life?  Do you want support?  Do you need any extra dose of push?  Are you afraid to fail? Are you unsure of drinking shakeology? Spending money?

I had all the same concerns and would be happy to guide you along and set you up with the best workout and plan of action.  Will 2014 be your year?  Do you long to feel good in your clothes?  Do you want to wear a bikini this summer?  The work starts NOW!!  And I'm looking for a small group of folks ready to commit to 90 days of making it happen. Ready to bring your A game?

The Day after Christmas

The results from challenge groups speak volumes and I wanted to share with you what results looks like and also are you ready? 
The Day after Christmas

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