Accountability group
Just this week my mom ask what our family was planning for
Easter Sunday and where we would be eating lunch. In my mind I thought Easter was at least a
month away!! To my surprise the Easter
candy is EVERYWHERE!! Even I caved
yesterday and enjoyed those yellow little guys…….
Has the Easter candy started to take over the home? In your mind have you already checked out and
plan on starting up again after Easter in preparation for warmer summer
weather? Its crazy how you feel the
first time you put on shorts for the season.
My goal as a coach is to help others feel their personal best slipping
into spring and summer clothes. Trust me
before you know it the swimsuits will be out and the kids will want to be
heading to the pool. Summer vacations
will follow as well, I personally just gave birth to our 3rd child
and will not only be the coach in the group but a challenger as well. I will be doing the program Insanity Max 30
for the next 60 days. Seeing pictures like this reminds me I don't want to be wearing extra layers 60 days from now, I want to be shopping for a cute new outfit.
What do I do as a beachbody coach and what is a challenge
So the challenge group is 30 day group. It's all done through a closed online Facebook
support group. So only the members of
the group can see what is being posted.
I’m super excited to be putting a twist on what we do with in the
challenge groups. All new contented!!
You'll be added to our VIP Facebook group where only the
members of the group can see what is being posted. You'll be expected to check
in daily with your workout and nutrition so we can make sure you're staying on
track. There will be an awesome nutrition plan included with your fitness
program. We start together and we end together. No one quits. First we’ll work
on flushing all those negative thoughts swirling in the back of your mind that
are keeping you stuck. If you believe you will succeed, you will.
What I do is help you customize your health and fitness
goals to meet your needs. Then I help you choose the best Beachbody workout to
get there based on your ability level. Then you replace 1 meal a day with
shakeology for the challenge group to give your body 1 meal that is
supercharged with ingredients that will give you natural energy, cravings will
be curbed, you will stay full for at least 3 hours. This is NOT a protein shake, most of us are
not protein deficient rather we lack great nutrition no matter how clean we eat
our food has changed. This meal
replacement is so easy. It is a whole
food and you can think of it as "dry juicing". I get all of my vitamins and it is the
equivalent of 5 plates of a very healthy salad.
But all for just 160 calories! Then, I am going to teach you how to plan
the other meals of the day. I will help you create a customized meal plan, give
you recipes, snack ideas, tips, motivation and keep you accountable. Every day
I post in the challenge group your daily mind set tip or post. You check in and
rate your date and read what is posted. We all keep each other accountable!
I am going to address
the emotional eating, eating out at restaurants, how to handle the temptations,
cheat meals, body image and more!
A quote that sticks out to me as I pulled myself out of bed
this morning at 5:00am is- it takes change to see change
If every spring time you tell yourself this is the summer I’m
going to look and feel great in my suit instead of wearing a cover up there
will be steps needed in order to reach those goals. Think of it like this you already know the
results and outcome of doing what you’re doing.
Trying something new can be downright scary!! But I invite you to take a chance on yourself
I love to chat and learn more about your personal goals-
with the first two that commit to the April 6th challenge group you
will be sent one of these SUPER cute water bottles as a FREE gift ( love giving gifts)
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