Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Inner Beauty

As everyone may know I started to really work hard on my out word appearance and to feel better have more energy and loss the baby weight.  At the same time if I was able to commit to getting up out of bed early every morning then I was also going to commit to taking a small portion of my morning and reading the bible.  I wanted to make a big change not only on the outside but the inside.  So this morning after my workout its habit to grab my phone and start reading I always enjoy reading the daily bread.  This morning when I my phone pop up with this daily bread it was to good not to share:

August 20,2013
When going through old family photos, my cousins and I joke about which physical characteristics we’ve inherited. We notice primarily the negative ones: short legs, crooked teeth, unruly cowlicks. All of us can easily identify in our ancestors our own least favorite body part. In addition to physical attributes, we also inherited character traits—some good, some not so good. But we don’t always pay as much attention to those.
According to my unscientific observations, people try all kinds of methods to overcome physical imperfections—exercise routines, weight-loss programs, makeup, hair coloring, cosmetic surgery. But instead of trying to overcome our character flaws, we tend to use them as an excuse for behaving badly. I suppose this is because changing our looks is easier than changing our character. But imagine how much better off we’d be if we put our energy into character development.
As God’s children, we’re not limited by our genetic makeup. We can surrender our flaws to Him and allow Him to fulfill the potential He had in mind when He created us as unique expressions of His love. The power of God’s Spirit and the life of God’s Son are at work in us, conforming us to His image (2 Cor. 3:18).
I know, Lord, that You’re more interested in the
condition of my heart than my outward appearance.
Please make me into the person You want me to be—
filled with kindness, patience, integrity, and love.
The Spirit develops in us the clear image of Christ.
Inner Beauty
So after reading this it challenge me even more.  With outer beauty its something we work on daily to either change or maintain.  The cool thing with God is we don't have to work really hard to change who we are by reading self help books.  We just need to ask for him for help all the work was done at the cross.  No one is perfect that is why we need God and can't do it on our own.  So today I want to challenge you have you surrender your flaws to him?  He has a plan and a purpose for everyone the question is are we ready to take his guidance.

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